Friday, March 13, 2009

From cloud computing to Did you know?

I recently found Did you know this on YouTube and it has been a favorite of mine. One of those items Everyone should know.

I was inspired by the a blog entry a few years ago and there are now many renditions and re-mixes of the presentation now available.

The point being most of the world's population has no idea how fast the world is changing. Transformations that used to take generations are now happening in few years.

Today, I got started on this by stumbling on DOT.CLOUD.
The item that struck me the most was:
"When small and midsized businesses learn the potential benefits of cloud computing, they will be able to tap IT platforms and software that only huge enterprises could deploy in the past, making the Cloud the great leveler."

The opportunity is to create the solutions for the SMB so they will be able to "get it'.

The SMB will not realize the benefits until there are solutions for them. They can or will NOT spend the time or $$$ to do the research to determine what the benefits of the cloud is, they will only "get it" if there is a real solution; providing the Cloud will not cause them to budge.

Enough with this change. I need to get a haircut.

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